Pilates ⏤ The Benefits

Some of the greatest creations have originated from a place of good, and nothing can be truer than that of Pilates. Conceived by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s to rehabilitate wounded soldiers returning from the war, he created a series of exercises incorporating methods of strengthening and conditioning, with a view to improving quality of life.

Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.
— Joseph Pilates

Nearly 100 years on Pilates continues to build on its original tenet. Pilates utilises, reforms and rehabilitates the body in its entirety. Fostering a strong mind and body connection, the discipline aims to build that all-important core strength — pulling the body into its natural alignment, thereby reducing the chance of injury and daily aches and pains. Making sure that your body is working optimally at all times.

From ballet dancers to basketball players, whether an athlete or a new mother, the Pilates repertoire of exercises focuses on stabilising the core, whilst creating muscle strength and length. Redesigning your body through awareness, balance and stability.

Correcting physical imbalances — Pilates sculpts a body that is optimal for you. Addressing back and shoulder pain, enhancing sports performance or improving flexibility. Taking body fitness into old age, Pilates works your body to its best.