Apple Cider Vinegar ⏤ An Unlikely Hero

I’ve always loved multi-use products—knowing that a product (particularly natural ones) can be used in a variety of ways to make my life both better and easier.

Step forward Apple Cider Vinegar, an unlikely superhero probably hiding at the back of your cupboards. With abundant healing and cleansing properties, this copper nectar is rich in minerals, vitamins and enzymes. With natural remedial properties, it can be used to quell most modern-day health issues, ranging from soothing an upset stomach to relieving bruising, a greasy itchy scalp, bad breath or even to give your baking a boost.  

Personally, I like to drink a little everyday, paired with lemon and honey, as part of a morning cleanse. High in pectin, that helps you feel full, coupled with the acetic acid which suppresses your appetite and reduces water retention. This little drink without fail sets me up for the day ahead. Helping to purify the blood and detoxifying the liver, it also removes toxins more efficiently, whilst speeding up the body’s metabolism helping break down fat instead of storing it. What’s not to love about that?

I like to use an organic variety, which also has the all-important ‘mother’—simply put, it refers to the thick substance that makes the vinegar appear cloudy, and hold the most beneficial properties of potent minerals and enzymes.

My daily detox:

1 cup of hot water

1 Tbsp. of organic ACV

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

½ Tbsp. honey (or other natural sweeteners)

1 pinch cayenne pepper (optional)