Nutrients ⏤ Inside Matters

Some might remember mothers passing out sugary jelly-like pastels, explaining this formed part of our “daily healthy vitamin” intake. Thankfully, the texture and taste have changed, but this ritual is still part of my daily routine — making sure my body gets the vitamins and minerals it needs to function effectively.

With an appetite for progressive meal recipes — fuelled by celebrity chefs, enthusiastic food bloggers and journalists — most of us are pretty clued-up when it comes to producing. Making healthier food purchases at the supermarket, we now make a habit of perusing the nutritional labels with an educated eye. However, despite our best efforts, we can still come up a little short when it comes to giving our bodies the nutrients it really needs. 

When nutrient deficient, the body may start to crave a specific food as a way of signalling what it needs. For example, if your body is running low on potassium, you may suddenly have a hankering for a banana or perhaps mushrooms (hopefully not together).

For us, ladies, during ‘that time of the month’ our body will need to start replenishing stores of magnesium, which will increase as we get closer to our cycle. With cocoa naturally high in magnesium, it’s no surprise that we crave our favourite sweet of choice, the chocolate bar. Of course, chomping down on the higher cocoa content found in dark chocolate is preferable. If you’re more of a savoury person try snacking on some sushi; as dried seaweed has 770mg of magnesium in a 100g serving. 

Minerals and vitamins are incredibly crucial to the function of our adrenals glands, which located at the top of each kidney. As well as regulating blood pressure, these glands produce hormones that help our bodies control blood sugar, burn protein and fat, and react to stressors like major illness or injury. Tingling sensations in your limbs, loss of hair, general fatigue, and muscle soreness from general movement, can all be a sign that you are not getting the nutrients and minerals your body needs. 

So what can we do?

  1. Know your NVs (Nutritional Values). Learning and remembering just a few of your go-to foods will help you make those all-important decisions when ordering lunch, or filling your fridge;

  2. Listen and look at your body. Your skin, breath, hair, nails and eyes are all excellent outward indicators of what’s happening inside your body. Be aware of any significant changes and start to think what food group have you been neglecting;

  3. Be the nerd and plan! Meal planning is not only practical, but it will also help you curb bad habits of consuming empty calories when snacking, and impulse eating such as take-out and convenience foods;

  4. Whether you just don’t have the taste buds or time for nutrient-rich foods such as; vegetables, nuts & fruits, whole grains, and fish - then try and take a good quality multi-vitamin every day to help offset your nutritional imbalance.